B-Act® in poultry: more than broilers alone

When considering probiotic use in poultry, broiler production is often the first application that comes to mind. From a commercial point of view this is not surprising: turnover between flocks is high, the number of birds per flock is significant and the benefits of probiotics in these conditions are undeniable.

What about layers?

Preventing gut health challenges is relevant in all commercial production units. Improving gut function can positively impact technical performance in several ways, beyond final body weights and feed conversation ratios (FCR). Utilization of energy and nutrients in the diet should be optimal if production goals are to be met. For layers, this includes improving parameters related to egg production.

B-Act®, Huvepharma®’s unique Bacillus licheniformis (DSM 28710) was tested in three layer trials conducted under different research conditions. The animals received B-Act® in their diet during the egg production period and production parameters were monitored during the same period (Table 1).

B-Act® in layers

The first trial was conducted in Spain, supplementing Isa Brown laying hens from week 22 to 34. B-Act® supplemented animals had a significantly lower average daily feed intake (ADFI) whilst their laying index improved numerically, resulting in significantly lower FCR values.

The second trial, carried out in Turkey, incorporated B-Act® in the feed of Lohmann Brown layers from week 25 to 45. For these animals, FCR, egg mass and shell percentage improved significantly, whilst other egg quality parameters such as cracked eggs, dirty eggs and shell breaking strength followed a similar trend. The link with a healthy and better functioning gut was highlighted by the significantly reduced level of undigested protein in the faeces of B-Act® supplemented birds, indicating that the protein present in the diet was utilized to a better extent.

The third trial took place in Scotland, where Hy-Line layers received B-Act® from week 21 to 45. Body weight, egg production and egg number (total/cage) improved significantly, without an increase in feed intake.

Table1. Production parameters for layers, supplemented with B-Act® vs. control

  Control B-Act
Spain (week 22-34)
ADFI(g/day) 123a 119b
Laying index (%) 95.7 96.8
FCR (kg feed/kg egg) 2.127a 2.035b
FCR (kg feed/dozen eggs) 1.538a 1.478b
Turkey (week 25-45)
Egg mass (g/hen/day) 59.35a 60.78b
FCR (kg feed /kg eggs) 1.858a 1.814b
Shell percentage (%) 9.97a 10.14b
Cracked eggs (%) 1.66 1.29
Dirty eggs (%) 8.54 8.40
Shell breaking strength (Newton) 42.15 43.18
Manure protein (%) 24.06a 20.49b
Scotland (week 21-45)
Body weight (kg) 1.67a 1.75b
Egg production (%) 92.5a 93.9b
Egg numbers (total/cage) 621.8a 630.9b
FCR (egg mass/ADFI) 0.496 0.485
ADFI (g/hen/day) 123.2 123.4

Different superscripts in rows indicate significant differences (P<0.05)

Probiotics in layer diets can improve performance

The results clearly show that supplementing layers with B-Act® definitely has many benefits. By securing and supporting a proper functioning of the gut, feed utilization can be optimized, resulting in improved overall production.