Excellent efficacy of Vetmulin® / Rodotium® (Tiamulin) against Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae

Lieven Claerhout DVM

Infections with M. hyopneumoniae, the causative agent of Enzootic Pneumonia, are highly prevalent worldwide and cause tremendous financial losses to the pig industry. M. hyopneumoniae interacts with other respiratory pathogens and creates more complex pneumonia with serious effects (Picture 1).

To support the correct use of antibiotics and to achieve a good response to a medication program, pharmacokinetic / pharmacodynamic modelling is required. High quality products with known and consistent pharmacokinetic behaviour are indispensible. Vetmulin® / Rodotium® (tiamulin) is the product of choice for the treatment and eradication of M. hyopneumoniae


Picture 1. Red to purplish consolidated areas on different lung lobes, typical for M. hyopneumoniae infection


High sensitivity to Vetmulin® / Rodotium®

Tiamulin MIC (minimal inhibitory concentration) values of globally isolated M. hyopneumoniae strains have been generated and published. These publications consistently demonstrate low tiamulin MIC90 values and narrow MIC ranges. Geographic differences in the sensitivity of tested isolates are not identified and there is no evidence of a resistance pattern. Therefore, M. hyopneumoniae strains demonstrate excellent sensitivity to Vetmulin® / Rodotium® in vitro


Table 1. In vitro sensitivity (µg/ml) of M. hyopneumoniae isolates to tiamulin


Vetmulin® / Rodotium® provides high tiamulin concentrations in the lungs and bronchial fluid after oral and parenteral application and has unique formulation characteristics.


Feed medication


Table 2. Tiamulin lung concentrations after feed medication


Vetmulin® / Rodotium® Premix is microgranulated. This unique formulation technique provides several benefits compared to simple powder mixtures including: 

  • Superior homogeneity in feed facilitating correct dosing
  • Lower dust content meaning a lower risk of carry-over and cross-contamination
  • Better flowability
  • Pelleting stability
  • Consistent pharmacokinetic behaviour

These benefits ensure optimal efficacy, safety, and ease of use.


Drinking water


Table 3. Tiamulin lung concentrations after water medication


Vetmulin® / Rodotium® Water Soluble Granules and Oral Solution ensure excellent dissolution and 24 hour stability in drinking water of different qualities.




Figure 1. Vetmulin® / Rodotium® pharmacokinetics in lung tissue and bronchial fluid following single intramuscular injection at 18 mg tiamulin hydrogen fumarate / kg bodyweight


Vetmulin® / Rodotium® Injection is an oily solution containing tiamulin base. The formulation ensures superb tissue distribution and penetration with a depot effect.



The tiamulin lung and bronchial tissue concentrations following oral and parenteral administration of Vetmulin® / Rodotium® largely exceed the MIC values of M. hyopneumoniae. Vetmulin® / Rodotium® is the quality product of choice for the successful treatment and eradication of Enzootic Pneumonia.


References are available on request.