Superdosing a phytase enzyme (for example OptiPhos® / Hostazym® P) to reduce the anti-nutritional effects of phytate and improve the technical and economic performance of animals is a well-established practice. This broiler trial confirms that superdosing is also beneficial when a fibre-degrading enzyme such as Hostazym® X is present in the feed.
Research done by Huvepharma shows that the combination of Hostazym® X with a superdose of phytase (OptiPhos® / Hostazym® P) gives a substantial performance and economic benefit in broilers.
A trial was set up with six treatments as shown in Table 1.
The trial results in Table 2 clearly show that:
- Supplementing the NC diet with 1500 EPU/kg of Hostazym® X and a single dose of OptiPhos® / Hostazym® P restored performance to the level of the PC. The combination of the fibre-degrading enzyme plus a single dose of phytase fully compensated for 100 kcal AME, 5% digestible protein, 0.16% calcium and 0.16% available phosphorus.
- Doubling the phytase dose increased the final body weight of the birds by 43 g compared to the single phytase dose. Feed conversion was reduced by 0.02 in the double phytase dose group compared to the single phytase dose group.
- The economic calculation using spot feed prices and a broiler price varying between €0.80/kg and €1.20/kg showed that the highest gain was achieved when OptiPhos® / Hostazym® P was added at four times the single dose on top of 1500 EPU/kg of Hostazym® X. This group yielded an economic benefit of up to €85 per 1000 broilers produced (Table 3).
- Superdosing with OptiPhos® / Hostazym® P brings additional value when Hostazym® X is included in the feed.
- The combination of Hostazym® X at 1500 EPU/kg plus a single dose of OptiPhos® / Hostazym® P can compensate for 100 kcal AME, 5% digestible protein, 0.16% calcium and 0.16% available phosphorus.
- The combination of Hostazym® X at 1500 EPU/kg plus four times the single dose of OptiPhos® / Hostazym® P has an economic benefit of up to €85 per 1000 broilers.
For more information regarding our enzyme portfolio, please contact [email protected]